Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson


December 04, 2015 Jane Jackson : Career Management Coach | LinkedIn | Branding | Job Search | Business and Career Coach
Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson
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Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson
Dec 04, 2015
Jane Jackson : Career Management Coach | LinkedIn | Branding | Job Search | Business and Career Coach
Episode 47: In part two of this five part series of podcasts tackling the top five fears that hold us back, we discuss the fear of rejection. Every one of us experiences rejection at some time in our lives. It may be when we’re turned down for a job we really want or rejected by a person with whom we want to have a relationship.The truth is that the only people who never experience rejection are those who never have any interaction with other people. This makes for a pretty reclusive and lonely existence. Is that what you want? If not, let’s do something about it!What is this Fear all about? Fear of rejection can be a by-product of low self-esteem. Do you lash out at others if you fear rejection may be forthcoming? Do you sabotage your relationships so you can be the one to reject the other person before they can reject you? Maybe to avoid being rejected at all, you simply withdraw from being socially interactive with others.The fear of being rejected creates a damaging pattern of behaviour in our lives. It can cause us to feel that we are not good enough for our desired outcome. Within relationships, it can cause us to become obsessive, clingy and jealous and can also destroy relationships that have barely begun by becoming too serious too soon which may drive others away. Rejection is Driven by EmotionIt’s important to remember how our thoughts make us feel. If we feel negative about ourselves, rejection can trigger off a number of other feelings. We may feel humiliated, lonely, pathetic, inadequate. The more we dwell on these feelings, the more pain we put ourselves through and the harder it becomes to try again for fear that the same thing will happen next time. How Do Others Handle Rejection Easily?A confident person realises that rejection is simply a part of the risk of living and that, in order to grow spiritually, we all have to take the occasional risk and step outside of our comfort zone. A confident person does not take rejection personally and may view it as a flaw on the other person’s behalf instead. In other words, they think it’s the other person’s loss. They don’t think of it as a failure on their part, they look upon it as feedback upon which to learn so they can ensure success next time.Tips to Overcome RejectionYou may fear rejection if you’ve become accustomed to always trying to please others. Be aware of when you’re feeling this way and learn to say ‘no’ to people when their demands or requests seem unreasonable to you. By saying ‘no’ occasionally, you’re respecting your own needs. This will boost your self-confidence to a level so that you will understand and respect occasions when people might say ‘no’ to you too not because of any lack on your part, but because of their own needs. Graciously accept any compliments you receive. Too often we brush off a compliment with, ‘Oh, it was nothing.’ Accept compliments gladly, simply say, ‘Thank you!’ and consider what the compliment says about you as a person. This will boost your self-esteem.Imagine a scene when you’d usually be faced with a fear of rejection and create

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Show Notes
Episode 47: In part two of this five part series of podcasts tackling the top five fears that hold us back, we discuss the fear of rejection. Every one of us experiences rejection at some time in our lives. It may be when we’re turned down for a job we really want or rejected by a person with whom we want to have a relationship.The truth is that the only people who never experience rejection are those who never have any interaction with other people. This makes for a pretty reclusive and lonely existence. Is that what you want? If not, let’s do something about it!What is this Fear all about? Fear of rejection can be a by-product of low self-esteem. Do you lash out at others if you fear rejection may be forthcoming? Do you sabotage your relationships so you can be the one to reject the other person before they can reject you? Maybe to avoid being rejected at all, you simply withdraw from being socially interactive with others.The fear of being rejected creates a damaging pattern of behaviour in our lives. It can cause us to feel that we are not good enough for our desired outcome. Within relationships, it can cause us to become obsessive, clingy and jealous and can also destroy relationships that have barely begun by becoming too serious too soon which may drive others away. Rejection is Driven by EmotionIt’s important to remember how our thoughts make us feel. If we feel negative about ourselves, rejection can trigger off a number of other feelings. We may feel humiliated, lonely, pathetic, inadequate. The more we dwell on these feelings, the more pain we put ourselves through and the harder it becomes to try again for fear that the same thing will happen next time. How Do Others Handle Rejection Easily?A confident person realises that rejection is simply a part of the risk of living and that, in order to grow spiritually, we all have to take the occasional risk and step outside of our comfort zone. A confident person does not take rejection personally and may view it as a flaw on the other person’s behalf instead. In other words, they think it’s the other person’s loss. They don’t think of it as a failure on their part, they look upon it as feedback upon which to learn so they can ensure success next time.Tips to Overcome RejectionYou may fear rejection if you’ve become accustomed to always trying to please others. Be aware of when you’re feeling this way and learn to say ‘no’ to people when their demands or requests seem unreasonable to you. By saying ‘no’ occasionally, you’re respecting your own needs. This will boost your self-confidence to a level so that you will understand and respect occasions when people might say ‘no’ to you too not because of any lack on your part, but because of their own needs. Graciously accept any compliments you receive. Too often we brush off a compliment with, ‘Oh, it was nothing.’ Accept compliments gladly, simply say, ‘Thank you!’ and consider what the compliment says about you as a person. This will boost your self-esteem.Imagine a scene when you’d usually be faced with a fear of rejection and create

Stay on track to reach your career goals! Download our Goals Calendar, S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Sheet and Weekly Action Tasks template which will keep you motivated and heading towards Career Success. Download our Goals Calendar today at 

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