Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson


Jane Jackson : Career Management Coach | Career Confidence Episode 200

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Welcome of episode 200 of YOUR CAREER Podcast!

This episode is dedicated to Mental Health.

Mental health is an essential part of our lives.   Our lives can be rocked by the effects of things that may be totally out of our control.  

According to the World Health Organisation, mental health is a ‘state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’

Research shows that high levels of mental health are associated with increased learning, creativity, productivity, more pro-social behaviour and positive social relationships, and with improve physical health and also life expectancy.  

In contrast, mental health conditions can cause distress, impact on day-to-day functioning and relationships. 

Mental health is about being cognitively, emotionally and socially healthy – the positive way we think, the positive way we feel and the positive way we develop relationships

What affects our mental health? 

There are multiple stressors that can lead to exhaustion and burnout. 

I cover these in my How to Build Confidence online program and I discuss this with you today in SPECIAL EPISODE 200 of YOUR CAREER Podcast.

If you’re feeling a bit of a wobble and anxious about your job search process due to redundancy, or other events in your life, my online program will support you step-by-step to gain the confidence to take control of your current situation.

Get a 50% discount off the How to Build Confidence Course by applying this coupon code: MAKEMYDAY  

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