Your Career Podcast with Jane Jackson


December 29, 2020 Jane Jackson : Career Management Coach | LinkedIn | Branding | Job Search | Resume | Job Interviews | Career Coach Episode 206

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Episode 206 is the final episode of 2020.  This time last year I flew from London to Sydney after spending 5 weeks with my daughter and her husband who live in London. During that time I welcomed the birth of my beautiful grandson.

Fast forward one year and what we took for granted – being with family whenever we wish, international and local travel, going to restaurants, group celebrations, being surrounded by people without feeling wary of every cough and sneeze, dancing, singing and simply ‘being’ – has completely changed.

“The Only Constant is Change”

There have been many very sad stories, and there have been incredible stories of courage, grit and love too. Let's focus on the positive, the hope, and the practical actions we can take to make 2021 a better year.

Job seekers have a choice, even during Covid lockdown as to what they cand do. 

Take a break, clear your head, and focus on your physical and mental health and kickstart the job search campaign in the new year, or combine these essential self-care measures with a combination of job search preparation activities so you'll hit the ground running in 2021.

Even though there are fewer open roles at this time of year, due to the season and also due to Covid-19, the hiring process has NOT completely ground to a halt.

Currently there are 126,438 open jobs advertised on Seek in Australia.

Maybe taking a well-deserved break will be just what’s required to put you in the right frame of mind to hit the job search process again in the New Year.

If you prefer to keep the job search preparation momentum going, I make 5 suggestions on what you can do in this episode.

Here are the links I mention in episode 206:

Get Stuff Done Accountability Group

Top 3 Tips for a Stand Out LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn for career success this Online Program
(apply this code to get a very special price: MAKEMYDAY

 Navigating Career Crossroads book


If you need more support please visit

Until next time, stay safe, stay well and my best wishes for the holiday season to you and your family.  Happy New Year!


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